Monday, September 13, 2010

Assignment 1: Spaceship

I chose to take photos of objects/people that I would want to see (or do currently see) everyday. I see the photo of my parents on my dresser every morning, I see the pics of my boyfriend on our fridge every day. These are things that me happy. I took 3 photos of my son making funny faces- I know I could look at these any time and they would make me laugh. I took a photo of my boyfriend/baby daddy's eyes, I love looking into them and seeing their ever-changing blue hues. There is a photo of my garden- it's a place I like to visit in the morning with a cup of coffee, an oasis, representing serenity. There is a photo of my back- every once in a while I like to take a look in the mirror and check out my tattoos, I don't get to see them often. Lastly, there are 2 photos of where I am from- Provincetown, MA. One is the beatiful ocean view there as seen from the beach at low tide, and the other is of my and my son's feet, enjoying an intimate moment with him and the lovely cool feel of the water.

1 comment:

  1. Try to find ways to make what is personally important to you compelling as photos, and the rephotography needs to be in a context, not just a representation of the original.
